IRS Letters

IRS Letters

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The CP01 letter informs you that the IRS has identified a possible identity theft issue with your tax return. They are taking steps to verify your identity and protect your tax account. At Lexington Tax Group, we can assist you in verifying your identity with the IRS and ensure that your tax account is secure. Our experts will guide you through the necessary steps to resolve any identity theft issues and protect your personal information.

The CP04 letter requests additional information from you to verify certain items on your tax return. This may include proof of income, expenses, or deductions. We can help you gather and submit the required documentation to the IRS promptly. Our team will review your tax return to ensure accuracy and compliance, minimizing any potential adjustments or penalties.

The CP05 letter notifies you that the IRS is examining your tax return and may request additional information or documents to complete their review. Our professionals can represent you during the IRS examination, ensuring that your rights are protected. We will help you prepare and present the necessary information to resolve the examination favorably.

The CP09 letter informs you that you may be eligible for the Earned Income Credit (EIC) based on your tax return information. We can help you determine your eligibility for the EIC and assist you in claiming the credit. Our team will ensure that you receive all the tax benefits you are entitled to, maximizing your refund.

The CP14 letter is a notice that you have a balance due on your tax account. It details the amount you owe, including any penalties and interest. Lexington Tax Group can negotiate with the IRS on your behalf to set up a manageable payment plan or explore options for reducing your tax debt. We aim to minimize your financial burden and find the best solution for your situation.

The CP49 letter informs you that your tax overpayment has been applied to other outstanding tax debts. Our team can help you understand the details of this reallocation and ensure that your payments are correctly applied, minimizing any confusion or further issues with the IRS.

The CP90/CP297 letter is a final notice from the IRS of their intent to levy your assets and your right to a hearing before they take action. We can help you request a Collection Due Process (CDP) hearing and represent you to prevent the levy and negotiate alternative solutions with the IRS.

The CP91/CP298 letter is the final notice before the IRS levies your Social Security benefits. We can assist you in requesting a hearing and negotiating with the IRS to prevent the levy, ensuring your Social Security benefits are protected.

The CP161 letter informs you of a balance due to a late payment, including any penalties and interest. Our experts can help you set up a payment plan, seek penalty abatement, and explore other options to resolve your tax debt with the IRS.

The CP501 letter is a reminder that you have a balance due on your tax account. We can assist you in addressing the balance through payment plans or other IRS programs to resolve your tax debt efficiently.

The CP503 letter is a second notice requesting payment for your balance due. Our team can help you respond promptly and negotiate a manageable payment arrangement with the IRS.

The CP504 letter is a final notice before the IRS takes collection action. We can help you avoid aggressive collection actions by negotiating with the IRS and setting up a resolution plan.
The CP523 letter informs you that you have defaulted on your installment agreement with the IRS. We can help you reinstate your installment agreement or negotiate a new one to keep your payments on track and avoid further penalties.

The CP2000 letter proposes adjustments to your tax return due to underpayment or overpayment. We can review the proposed changes, provide additional information to the IRS, and ensure that any adjustments are accurate and fair.

The CP2501 letter informs you that the IRS has identified possible income underreporting. We can help you verify your income records, respond to the IRS, and correct any discrepancies to avoid penalties.

The LT11 letter is a final notice of the IRS’s intent to levy and your right to a hearing. We can assist you in requesting a hearing and represent you to prevent the levy and find alternative solutions with the IRS.

The Letter 1058 serves as a final notice of intent to levy and your right to a hearing. Our team can help you request a hearing and negotiate with the IRS to prevent the levy and resolve your tax issues.

The Letter 3172 notifies you of a federal tax lien filing against your property. We can assist you in addressing the lien, exploring options to release or subordinate the lien, and protecting your assets.

The Letter 3174 is a request for payment before the IRS seizes your assets. We can help you respond to the IRS, negotiate payment terms, and prevent the seizure of your assets.

The CP2005 letter informs you that the IRS has completed their review of your tax return and there are no changes to your reported tax. Our team at Lexington Tax Group can ensure that your tax records are accurate and help you understand the outcome of the IRS review.

The CP231 letter notifies you that the IRS has made corrections to your tax return, which may result in a balance due, refund, or no change at all. We can assist you in reviewing the IRS corrections to ensure they are accurate and advise you on any necessary steps to take.

The CP2566 letter proposes changes to your tax return because the IRS did not receive your response to a previous notice. We can help you understand the proposed changes, respond to the IRS, and resolve any discrepancies.

The CP3219A letter is a statutory notice of deficiency, indicating that the IRS has determined you owe additional tax. We can assist you in responding to this notice, potentially disputing the IRS findings, and exploring options to reduce or eliminate the additional tax owed.

The CP521 letter is a reminder of your upcoming installment agreement payment due date. Our team can help you manage your installment agreement, ensuring that payments are made on time and that you remain in compliance with the IRS agreement terms.

The CP522 letter informs you that your installment agreement is being terminated due to missed payments or other issues. We can assist you in reinstating your installment agreement or negotiating a new one to avoid further penalties and collection actions.

The Letter 3219 is a notice of deficiency, which indicates that the IRS has determined you owe additional taxes. We can help you contest the deficiency, gather supporting documentation, and negotiate with the IRS to resolve the issue favorably.

The CP71C letter is an annual reminder of your outstanding tax balance. We can assist you in addressing your tax debt through payment plans, offers in compromise, or other IRS programs designed to reduce your financial burden.

The CP75 letter informs you that the IRS is auditing your Earned Income Credit (EIC) claim and may request additional documentation. We can help you gather and submit the necessary documents to support your EIC claim and ensure compliance with IRS requirements.

The CP75A letter requests additional information to support your tax return claims during an audit. We can assist you in compiling the required information and representing you throughout the audit process to ensure a fair and accurate outcome.

The CP12 letter informs you that the IRS has made changes to your tax return resulting in an overpayment, which will be refunded to you or applied to other outstanding tax debts. We can help you understand the adjustments and ensure that any overpayment is correctly processed.

The CP27 letter informs you that you may be eligible for the Earned Income Credit (EIC) and encourages you to review your eligibility. We can assist you in determining your eligibility for the EIC and help you claim the credit, maximizing your tax benefits.

The CP79 letter informs you that the IRS is reviewing your identity theft case and may request additional information. We can help you provide the necessary information to the IRS, protect your identity, and resolve any issues related to identity theft.

The Letter 2273C is an initial contact letter from the IRS regarding a specific issue with your tax return. We can help you understand the nature of the contact, respond appropriately, and resolve the issue efficiently.

The Letter 2030 proposes adjustments to your tax return based on information the IRS has received from third parties. We can assist you in reviewing the proposed adjustments, providing additional information to the IRS, and ensuring that your tax return is accurate.

The Letter 3541C notifies you that the IRS has contacted a third party to obtain information related to your tax return. We can help you understand the implications of this contact and ensure that your tax information is accurate and complete.

The Letter 4903 informs you of proposed changes to your tax return resulting from an IRS examination. We can represent you during the examination, help you understand the proposed changes, and negotiate with the IRS to achieve the best possible outcome.

The CP2006 letter informs you of the results of an IRS examination, which may include proposed changes to your tax return. We can help you review the results, respond to the IRS, and ensure that any adjustments are fair and accurate.

The CP503H letter is a third notice reminding you of a balance due on your tax account. We can help you address the balance through payment plans or other IRS programs to resolve your tax debt efficiently.

The Letter 226-J provides a preliminary calculation of the Employer Shared Responsibility Payment (ESRP) for applicable large employers under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). We can assist you in reviewing the calculation, providing additional information, and resolving any discrepancies with the IRS.

The Letter 147C requests additional information needed to process your Employer Identification Number (EIN) application. We can help you gather and submit the required information to ensure that your EIN application is processed smoothly and without delay.